western mass

I am visiting friends and family on the east coast this week. These first few days I am in Easthampton, MA visiting G and A who recently adopted a beautiful baby girl. I had the chance to take a short trip on A’s bike yesterday. It didn’t go exactly how I’d hoped but it was good. Her bike is a lot bigger than mine and I felt like a child on it.


I also did not have a lock. We couldn’t find it before I left so I had to pretty much stay with the bike at all times. I met an old friend in Northampton for lunch and then I went off to find my way to Amherst, my old stomping ground…like 16 years ago. Wow.

Riding in unfamiliar territory proved more challenging than I thought it would be. This is not the most bike friendly town. Many bikers ride on the wrong side of the road (I almost got hit by one when trying to cross Main Street on foot) and others ride on the sidewalk. I did see something I haven’t seen in Minneapolis-barefoot riding. When I saw one man doing it I thought he was just an anomaly but later I was surprised to see another guy decked out in bike gear also riding barefoot. I’ve heard of running barefoot but not riding.

Anyway, throughout my ride I had to pull over often and consult the map on my phone as to where the next turn was or to see if I was headed in the wrong direction which I was multiple times. Once I got on the bike trail I was able to relax a bit and take in the scenery. The trail was supposed to take me right into Amherst.


It really was beautiful but about 1/2 way in there was a sign stating the trail was closed. I was able to ask another biker coming from the other direction where I could get back on the trail. She told me I could ride a ways on Route 9 (a 4 lane busy road) on the sidewalk. So I did but as I was traversing the extremely uneven and at times treacherous sidewalk I realized I desperately needed a bathroom. I knew that when I got to Amherst I would have no way to lock the bike in order to go to the bathroom. So, I made it all the way to the end of the detour, turned around, and headed back to the house. Maybe if it doesn’t rain too much tomorrow morning I will try this adventure again.


All together I did 13 miles in a town I am pretty unfamiliar with. I’m proud of that.

And look at this cute kitty 🙂


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